Simple Chocolate Tart


1 tart shell baked blind.
315 ml double cream.
2 tb caster sugar the smallest pinch of salt.
115 g butter, softened.
455 best -q cooking chocolate, broken up.
100 ml milk.
cocoa powder for dusting.


Place the duble cream ,sugar and a pinch of salt in a pan and bring to boil. As soon as the mixture has boiled remove from the heat and add the butter and chocolate. stir until it has completely melted.

Allow the mixture to cool slightly stirring in the cold milk until smoth and shiny, somethimes this mixture looks like it has split, allow to cool down a bit more and whisk in a little extra cold milk until smoth scape all the mixture into cooked and cooled pastry shell with a spatula.

Shake the tart to even it out and allow to coll for around 1-2 hours until it is at room temperature.

Dust with cacoa powder, ultimately the pastry should be short and crisp and the filling should be smoth and should cut like butter.

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