Raspberry and Marscapone Brule

Serves 4.


3 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
2oz/50g sugar
9floz/275ml milk
9floz/275ml double cream
3oz/175g Marscapone
2 vanilla pods with seeds scraped out
2 punnets raspberries
4oz/125g caster sugar


Heat oven to 1/2 120c/250f

Whisk egg yolks, whole eggs and sugar in a bowl until light and creamy.

Heat milk and cream. Pour over egg mix and mix thoroughly. Add vanilla seeds and marscapone and mix well.

Put 4 raspberries in each ramekin or serving dish and pour egg/cream mix on top. Allow to set in fridge for 12 hours. Sprinkle each ramekin with caster sugar and place under a very hot grill until all sugar is caramelised.

Allow to cool and place 6 raspberries on top of each brule to decorate then serve.

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